If you’ve been stopping by here and seeing nothing new for the last few weeks, my apologies. Life’s been busy and I seem to be distracted by so many engaging things, including travel, the political scene, a computer-game-playing grandson, and the bursting forth of spring. I hope you missed me. ;-)
As many of you know, I’m a Mac guy. Bought the kids a monochrome Apple IIe as our very first computer back in the late-1980s. Got my first Mac in ’92, best I can figure. It was a PowerMAC with all of 4MB of memory, but oh, what a sweet little word processor. The cool stuff a teacher could do with font options and sizes, clip art, precise copy assembly, and the promise of a perfect copy. Computers promised to be so much better than typewriters, which were then top of the line in personal printing. All the internet stuff was still developing and a pretty distant dream for me.
One quick story: When I finished my masters’ project paper at Wright State in 1985 -- I had typed all 100+ pages on an old Royal portable electric I inherited from my sister -- I had the option of buying a brand new product called a personal computer, or I could really go whole hog and buy a top of the line electric typewriter. For me? But of course! An electric typewriter! Heavens. I really did.
The IIe wasn’t far behind.
The reason why I go on about Apple and computing today is because of a YouTube video released last week by Apple Corp.’s employees. Nowhere does it bear the white Apple logo and nowhere, in fact, does it even mention the speakers in the video are Apple employees. If it weren’t for the YouTube title, I never would have known.
The focus of this little movie is teen suicide and was presented in support of the Trevor Project. (See: http://www.thetrevorproject.org/)
I am assuming all speakers are Apple employees and based on their comments, all know something special about being gay or lesbian or transgender. They speak from their hearts to young folks dealing with the same crap they had to deal with years earlier. It’s a moving experience and I encourage you take a look at it.
Today’s elder idea: High school’s kind of shitty. I mean, it’s like...just there being no allowance for someone to be different.
Two unknown speakers on the Apple employees’ video