I wonder what this place has to teach me.
I mean, I came here by such a circuitous route, all really lead by the heart, or curiosity, or whatever life force it is that encourages us to look around the next corner for an understanding of a deeper meaning to life.
There is much power here, it is said. One zen practitioner said this region’s mountains, waters, and air made for one of the best places on the planet for spiritual retreat.
Cindy and I needed a vacation, and that is what we have come for. But in addition to that, the Sangre de Cristos offer more than just time away from home. Artists, spiritualists, body workers, and outdoor activists have come here for something special.
In many ways, I feel very lucky to have come to this naturally spiritual space for whatever reason that has drawn us.
This afternoon Cindy made me a light weight shirt to help protect me from marauding mosquitoes for my walk up the South Crestone Lake trail tomorrow morning. We’re listening to Secret Garden in front of the fan. I’m trying to pay attention to my breathing and just be present in the here and now. I think we both are practicing prayer.
And I’m just curious what this place will teach us.
Oh. And by the way, how do you nourish your spirit?
Today’s elder idea: Birding for me is a form of prayer. It is communion with God. The birds are not God, but God is in the birds. The world is not to be equated with God, but God is in the world. Matter does matter, because it matters to God.
Fr. Eric Haarer
when we take a few moments to ourselves and relearn our own breathing, then all can be seen as sacred. The time we take in watching the bees in their diligence is revelry at its finest. There is poetry in the wings of the hummingbird and the squawk of the grackle if only we can find the time and place and quiet to listen. For me the prescence of god is in the details, the finite visible signs that we're all here together.